Guilds <Obsolete>

Raid Calendar

Top Ranking Members

Class Rank Boss Rank Rank Type Character Boss Kill
3 249 DPS Vacillate Ayamiss the Hunter 13/03/17 02:34:34
4 41 HPS Holyreign Kurinnaxx 13/03/17 00:43:00
4 45 HPS Divinia Lucifron 12/03/17 01:11:48
4 265 DPS Proctologist Moam 10/03/17 02:01:58
5 273 DPS Vacillate Gahz'ranka 15/03/17 02:11:44
6 22 HPS Holyreign Ayamiss the Hunter 13/03/17 02:34:34
6 40 DPS Nare Kurinnaxx 04/03/17 01:31:01
6 340 DPS Warlocker High Priestess Jeklik 06/03/17 03:07:12
7 24 HPS Holyreign Buru the Gorger 10/03/17 01:47:43
7 58 HPS Dyepb General Rajaxx 04/03/17 01:50:12
7 313 DPS Warlocker General Rajaxx 04/03/17 01:50:12
7 326 DPS Warlocker Ayamiss the Hunter 04/03/17 03:55:02
8 40 HPS Dyepb Moam 04/03/17 02:02:37
8 311 DPS Warlocker Buru the Gorger 04/03/17 02:20:26
10 253 DPS Proctologist Ayamiss the Hunter 04/03/17 03:55:02
10 303 DPS Vacillate Bloodlord Mandokir 06/03/17 02:37:54
10 386 DPS Warlocker Gahz'ranka 06/03/17 01:59:06
11 360 DPS Warlocker Broodlord Lashlayer 11/03/17 02:20:04
12 83 HPS Nykeyo Kurinnaxx 10/03/17 01:14:33
12 101 HPS Dyepb Ayamiss the Hunter 04/03/17 03:55:02
12 284 DPS Proctologist Buru the Gorger 04/03/17 02:20:26
13 50 HPS Paparony Buru the Gorger 04/03/17 02:20:26
13 58 HPS Thuglyfe Jin'do the Hexxer 06/03/17 01:42:27
13 70 HPS Dove Buru the Gorger 10/03/17 01:47:43
13 101 HPS Holyreign General Rajaxx 13/03/17 00:59:32
13 341 DPS Paparony General Rajaxx 04/03/17 01:50:12
13 381 DPS Nykeyo Chromaggus 12/03/17 03:21:36
14 18 HPS Divinia Magmadar 12/03/17 01:18:51
14 279 DPS Proctologist General Rajaxx 10/03/17 01:30:01
15 81 HPS Dyepb Buru the Gorger 04/03/17 02:20:26
15 368 DPS Nykeyo Buru the Gorger 13/03/17 01:14:32
16 107 DPS Cooplock Gahz'ranka 15/03/17 02:11:44
16 275 DPS Proctologist Gahz'ranka 06/03/17 01:59:06
16 299 DPS Medjed Kurinnaxx 04/03/17 01:31:01
17 61 HPS Divinia Razorgore the Untamed 11/03/17 01:09:10
17 107 HPS Dyepb Kurinnaxx 04/03/17 01:31:01
17 166 DPS Johnnyboy Buru the Gorger 10/03/17 01:47:43
17 266 DPS Shooterix Moam 13/03/17 01:32:15
17 298 DPS Vacillate Buru the Gorger 10/03/17 01:47:43
18 94 HPS Brunodeluxe Majordomo Executus 05/03/17 02:32:28
18 336 DPS Vacillate High Priest Venoxis 15/03/17 01:10:36
19 302 DPS Proctologist Kurinnaxx 10/03/17 01:14:33
20 275 DPS Medjed Moam 04/03/17 02:02:37
20 305 DPS Vacillate Kurinnaxx 10/03/17 01:14:33
21 112 HPS Dyepb High Priestess Mar'li 03/03/17 02:46:42
21 398 DPS Vforcer Ayamiss the Hunter 04/03/17 03:55:02
22 110 DPS Outburst Gahz'ranka 15/03/17 02:11:44
23 307 DPS Shooterix Buru the Gorger 13/03/17 01:14:32
23 317 DPS Shooterix General Rajaxx 10/03/17 01:30:01
24 240 DPS Cooplock Moam 13/03/17 01:32:15