Bosses Grand Widow Faerlina

Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Icybob The Carebear Union IV 3698.4 86.0 21/06/24 20:27:32
2 Mommy The Carebear Union IV 3006.9 87.5 27/12/24 21:06:26
3 Badjoke one day at a time 2997.8 83.7 13/11/24 19:22:37
4 Donnerwetter Legacy 2961.3 84.8 11/06/20 20:28:11
5 Nedstark The Carebear Union IV 2877.8 81.4 18/10/24 20:50:07
6 Vendingbot Unite And Vanquish 2856.3 85.4 03/08/19 23:28:40
7 Awor The Carebear Union IV 2846.3 86.1 20/12/24 20:44:28
8 Piecrust Legacy 2834.7 79.7 09/04/20 20:26:33
9 Aegwein Legacy 2786.1 86.3 15/10/20 20:20:13
10 Trestugaar Sinful 2784.9 85.8 26/08/20 20:38:11
11 Wincerind Legacy 2622.4 86.9 04/03/21 20:23:15
12 Aluneth Cupcake 2618.6 86.3 21/12/24 20:28:35
13 Fattel Sinful 2571.3 82.8 24/06/20 20:44:03
14 Tekesh Cupcake 2542.3 79.7 18/01/25 20:33:57
15 Deric Legacy 2512.6 84.0 30/04/20 20:34:05
16 Sylvany Cupcake 2456.1 79.8 26/10/24 20:31:52
17 Mippet The Carebear Union IV 2444.2 87.5 27/09/24 20:26:33
18 Drizztdour The Carebear Union IV 2403.8 79.7 27/12/24 21:06:26
19 Hajen Arcanum 2396.5 81.7 04/08/19 21:03:28
20 Toxxics Legacy 2391.9 85.5 14/03/24 20:38:28
21 Nortex Cupcake 2383.2 86.6 23/11/24 20:34:10
22 Mfzl Sinful 2362.4 84.3 22/07/20 21:11:01
23 Jebuh one day at a time 2360.9 77.5 04/12/24 19:48:06
24 Alamonix The Carebear Union IV 2341.9 79.4 27/12/24 21:06:26
25 Rizzlord one day at a time 2332.5 76.9 13/11/24 19:22:37
26 Tattel Sinful 2290.2 84.1 04/03/20 20:04:01
27 Toxics one day at a time 2288.9 85.1 13/11/24 19:22:37
28 Wastegate Unite And Vanquish 2286.8 82.1 10/08/19 23:30:58
29 Lizsuwandi one day at a time 2275.6 74.0 19/06/24 19:29:11
30 Lennis Legacy 2270.5 83.9 23/04/20 20:30:36
31 Dystopia The Carebear Union IV 2258.3 78.0 20/12/24 20:44:28
32 Atlas The Carebear Union IV 2253.2 82.5 01/11/24 20:27:59
33 Xernot Legacy 2251.5 84.8 29/10/20 20:02:14
34 Heavenwait Legacy 2232.5 80.5 08/07/21 21:14:47
35 Executie The Carebear Union IV 2230.7 78.8 20/12/24 20:44:28
36 Jebu The Carebear Union IV 2229.0 78.5 27/12/24 21:06:26
37 Harlly Cupcake 2221.6 85.3 21/09/24 20:40:38
38 Irakan Cupcake 2212.4 82.6 26/10/24 20:31:52
39 Faifa Phoenix Rising 2182.9 73.3 26/04/20 20:38:33
40 Gumelus Legacy 2164.4 87.5 14/11/24 20:31:09
41 Moggie one day at a time 2160.8 75.1 13/11/24 19:22:37
42 Crispychips one day at a time 2158.6 73.1 11/09/24 19:37:35
43 Stabby Cupcake 2136.1 85.6 14/12/24 20:28:47
44 Cuchulainn The Carebear Union IV 2135.3 81.0 18/10/24 20:50:07
45 Harryprice Blood Pact 2106.4 84.9 30/07/21 23:48:10
46 Topdog The Carebear Union IV 2106.2 71.8 27/12/24 21:06:26
47 Waste Cupcake 2102.5 71.5 28/12/24 20:29:36
48 Cuca Cupcake 2101.2 77.4 04/01/25 20:28:06
49 Hellagein The Carebear Union IV 2092.9 84.6 31/05/24 20:30:09
50 Baldingbob The Carebear Union IV 2090.2 76.7 01/11/24 20:27:59
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Baltherion Legacy 1284.9 73.0 08/02/24 20:29:03
2 Sherok Legacy 1165.9 73.4 10/11/22 20:45:02
3 Moonflower Carnage 1151.9 68.0 08/08/19 19:42:46
4 Tariana Legacy 1098.7 74.6 12/11/20 20:20:00
5 Vladen Legacy 773.6 74.5 13/01/22 21:12:48
6 Smeagolassa Legacy 734.2 66.7 02/09/21 21:31:38
7 Ehuezka one day at a time 695.3 66.4 18/09/24 19:30:29
8 Panzerkpfw Unite And Vanquish 673.7 76.0 10/08/19 23:30:58
9 Nekonya Legacy 671.1 74.3 26/11/20 20:26:22
10 Sandmia Blood Pact 618.1 70.0 18/06/21 23:10:11
11 Maulbatross TehBox 614.5 72.3 02/08/19 04:37:41
12 Terene Phoenix Rising 599.7 70.7 26/09/20 20:38:05
13 Roopas Pertento 592.0 70.1 01/08/19 19:45:08
14 Tondaeu Cupcake of Kronos IV 530.8 72.6 01/06/24 20:48:25
15 Indikrest Sinful 528.9 61.7 20/10/21 20:08:50
16 Raykku Legacy 527.0 72.1 15/07/21 21:20:55
17 Alawen Phoenix Rising 485.9 69.9 03/10/20 20:34:59
18 Eralach Blood Pact 468.8 74.8 13/11/21 20:26:39
19 Tillit Sinful 463.1 74.8 10/06/20 20:52:23
20 Sandiokhan Blood Pact 445.7 68.4 28/05/21 23:08:16
21 Fexe Blood Pact 425.1 68.1 11/06/21 22:45:33
22 Harlleyquin Legacy 424.3 73.5 12/05/22 20:17:46
23 Supdruid Legacy 415.4 69.4 12/09/24 20:36:52
24 Rolston Unite And Vanquish 412.7 76.1 24/08/19 23:30:12
25 Whyhionewhy Legacy 402.0 70.8 13/01/22 21:12:48
26 Tattva Sinful 359.9 74.6 03/04/21 20:49:32
27 Clonnie Blood Pact 354.8 66.1 02/10/21 21:09:01
28 Melphina Phoenix Rising 347.3 75.4 26/09/20 20:38:05
29 Montito Legacy 330.1 76.3 03/03/22 22:17:58
30 Kashtan Legacy 328.1 66.1 17/03/22 21:53:45
31 Toones Sinful 321.8 62.9 08/07/20 21:16:31
32 Deilind Full Mithril Jacket 315.8 76.7 31/07/19 20:53:37
33 Dru Boom Stout 295.6 69.8 08/08/19 21:21:58
34 Brotzeit Legacy 278.6 64.7 08/09/19 21:57:40
35 Gavrusha Phoenix Rising 277.6 75.2 24/05/20 20:39:01
36 Endurion Full Mithril Jacket 269.5 66.3 31/07/19 20:53:37
37 Opydruid one day at a time 268.8 69.0 04/12/24 19:48:06
38 Dundo Sinful 266.2 70.4 28/03/21 20:42:49
39 Htick The Holy Roman Empire 258.3 70.4 25/01/20 22:10:51
40 Kinko Legacy 227.0 73.5 17/10/19 21:29:57
41 Allvi Legacy 204.1 70.2 22/02/24 21:40:03
42 Kvejgar Core 197.0 67.9 29/10/20 21:51:02
43 Grrski The Carebear Union IV 186.5 75.4 23/08/24 21:42:18
44 Garlicglove Legacy 144.5 66.0 05/01/23 20:59:06
45 Rof Storm 122.2 75.0 25/07/19 22:48:57
46 Decapitated Legacy 116.8 70.6 04/11/21 22:55:05
47 Feorana The Carebear Union IV 90.2 79.9 27/09/24 20:26:33
48 Hierbita Legacy 86.5 60.3 23/07/23 21:28:02
49 Sandmooa Sinful 33.6 74.2 11/08/21 19:52:42
50 Lennya Legacy 8.1 82.4 05/09/24 20:44:02
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Delta Unite And Vanquish 1467.7 86.6 24/08/19 23:30:12
2 Yikes The Carebear Union IV 1455.9 86.2 18/10/24 20:50:07
3 Kalenji The Carebear Union IV 1455.7 85.1 18/10/24 20:50:07
4 Elfsn Legacy 1390.6 83.5 29/10/20 20:02:14
5 Loona Cupcake 1364.9 83.4 28/12/24 20:29:36
6 Sixpistols Legacy 1329.3 82.5 22/09/22 20:41:32
7 Versacee Legacy 1321.5 84.4 01/10/20 20:18:12
8 Snotshot The Carebear Union IV 1299.5 83.1 25/10/24 20:47:26
9 Amicuz Unite And Vanquish 1299.0 86.5 10/08/19 23:30:58
10 Nightsky Cupcake 1293.0 84.6 21/12/24 20:28:35
11 Malinche The Carebear Union IV 1246.1 85.1 10/01/25 20:48:05
12 Odahviing Legacy 1236.7 84.5 19/03/20 20:23:24
13 Limpdickdps Legacy 1207.9 85.7 27/08/20 20:16:11
14 Therealhardy Cupcake of Kronos IV 1200.3 84.7 13/07/24 20:41:27
15 Ednaryt Legacy 1198.8 85.2 21/05/20 20:18:37
16 Qualitylol Legacy 1186.1 83.9 27/08/20 20:16:11
17 Accipiter one day at a time 1177.9 87.0 20/11/24 19:26:11
18 Neria The Carebear Union IV 1150.7 80.0 21/06/24 20:27:32
19 Nazty Arcanum 1135.8 82.2 18/08/19 20:34:20
20 Kalenj Legacy 1119.5 78.2 14/11/24 20:31:09
21 Altereggo Cupcake 1103.2 74.5 04/01/25 20:28:06
22 Conn Arcanum 1103.1 77.2 28/07/19 20:16:48
23 Demper The Carebear Union IV 1096.5 84.9 11/10/24 20:22:42
24 Semski one day at a time 1053.5 83.9 20/11/24 19:26:11
25 Aim The Carebear Union IV 1031.6 81.1 28/06/24 20:38:28
26 Ehufour Cupcake 1019.9 81.1 07/12/24 20:36:52
27 Semda The Carebear Union IV 1003.4 85.2 04/10/24 20:21:11
28 Redcoat Legacy 1002.6 84.5 10/09/20 20:24:17
29 Pirulo Legacy 992.9 85.7 15/08/24 20:47:48
30 Huntie Legacy 989.1 84.8 04/03/21 20:23:15
31 Vukyoyo Sinful 978.6 82.4 24/06/20 20:44:03
32 Pepetts Legacy 978.4 84.4 13/02/20 20:24:47
33 Slackbackmon Cupcake 976.1 83.9 19/10/24 20:30:33
34 Dostie Legacy 944.5 79.5 17/10/24 20:38:23
35 Lukslomalsa one day at a time 939.7 81.1 11/09/24 19:37:35
36 Slowbow Sinful 935.9 80.2 04/08/21 20:21:38
37 Bobyvaletino Legacy 929.5 85.2 17/09/20 20:18:54
38 Vilelf Arcanum 924.3 81.6 18/08/19 20:34:20
39 Himtahu Legacy 923.5 85.9 08/10/20 20:22:36
40 Stonebrain The Carebear Union IV 921.8 83.3 19/04/24 20:27:45
41 Meche one day at a time 921.6 75.2 13/11/24 19:22:37
42 Itaroth Unite And Vanquish 898.7 85.1 10/08/19 23:30:58
43 Master Blood Pact 895.9 85.2 10/04/21 20:18:21
44 Asotos Legacy 893.6 83.4 25/04/24 20:36:48
45 Shmod Carnage 878.0 74.3 08/08/19 19:42:46
46 Kataoki Boom Stout 872.9 77.4 15/08/19 21:35:14
47 Skolott Carnage 861.4 78.5 08/08/19 19:42:46
48 Belenna Legacy 854.0 84.3 14/01/21 20:45:08
49 Katjyu Legacy 847.8 79.0 21/11/24 20:47:37
50 Defense Cupcake of Kronos IV 845.7 79.4 25/05/24 20:43:52
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Icybob The Carebear Union IV 3698.4 86.0 21/06/24 20:27:32
2 Mommy The Carebear Union IV 3006.9 87.5 27/12/24 21:06:26
3 Donnerwetter Legacy 2961.3 84.8 11/06/20 20:28:11
4 Vendingbot Unite And Vanquish 2856.3 85.4 03/08/19 23:28:40
5 Awor The Carebear Union IV 2846.3 86.1 20/12/24 20:44:28
6 Piecrust Legacy 2834.7 79.7 09/04/20 20:26:33
7 Aegwein Legacy 2786.1 86.3 15/10/20 20:20:13
8 Trestugaar Sinful 2784.9 85.8 26/08/20 20:38:11
9 Wincerind Legacy 2622.4 86.9 04/03/21 20:23:15
10 Aluneth Cupcake 2618.6 86.3 21/12/24 20:28:35
11 Fattel Sinful 2571.3 82.8 24/06/20 20:44:03
12 Deric Legacy 2512.6 84.0 30/04/20 20:34:05
13 Sylvany Cupcake 2456.1 79.8 26/10/24 20:31:52
14 Mippet The Carebear Union IV 2444.2 87.5 27/09/24 20:26:33
15 Hajen Arcanum 2396.5 81.7 04/08/19 21:03:28
16 Toxxics Legacy 2391.9 85.5 14/03/24 20:38:28
17 Nortex Cupcake 2383.2 86.6 23/11/24 20:34:10
18 Mfzl Sinful 2362.4 84.3 22/07/20 21:11:01
19 Tattel Sinful 2290.2 84.1 04/03/20 20:04:01
20 Toxics one day at a time 2288.9 85.1 13/11/24 19:22:37
21 Lizsuwandi one day at a time 2275.6 74.0 19/06/24 19:29:11
22 Lennis Legacy 2270.5 83.9 23/04/20 20:30:36
23 Xernot Legacy 2251.5 84.8 29/10/20 20:02:14
24 Heavenwait Legacy 2232.5 80.5 08/07/21 21:14:47
25 Harlly Cupcake 2221.6 85.3 21/09/24 20:40:38
26 Faifa Phoenix Rising 2182.9 73.3 26/04/20 20:38:33
27 Gumelus Legacy 2164.4 87.5 14/11/24 20:31:09
28 Harryprice Blood Pact 2106.4 84.9 30/07/21 23:48:10
29 Cuca Cupcake 2101.2 77.4 04/01/25 20:28:06
30 Hellagein The Carebear Union IV 2092.9 84.6 31/05/24 20:30:09
31 Pyrones Sinful 1998.2 76.4 18/08/21 20:27:43
32 Chromo The Carebear Union IV 1997.5 86.3 12/07/24 20:23:49
33 Color Legacy 1991.6 78.4 26/09/24 20:43:16
34 Daikage Blood Pact 1972.4 82.6 07/05/21 22:51:35
35 Rhasta Cupcake of Kronos IV 1967.3 85.7 27/07/24 20:33:17
36 Lepa Legacy 1961.6 78.5 25/02/21 20:49:32
37 Elsa Legacy 1955.4 84.3 17/12/20 20:32:43
38 Manvve Legacy 1930.2 74.7 20/08/20 20:17:08
39 Yasuomid Unite And Vanquish 1862.1 84.4 30/08/20 00:04:44
40 Keey one day at a time 1858.8 75.7 15/01/25 19:42:49
41 Harmonu Legacy 1853.2 81.9 31/10/24 20:49:20
42 Netherias Blood Pact 1816.8 83.3 18/06/21 23:10:11
43 Seanconnery Carnage 1816.3 77.2 08/08/19 19:42:46
44 Mageia one day at a time 1799.9 78.1 20/11/24 19:26:11
45 Gnomuch Legacy 1773.8 84.6 29/02/24 22:12:33
46 Glazeit Legacy 1759.4 80.6 06/02/20 21:34:27
47 Bobiette Legacy 1754.0 79.4 10/10/19 21:32:20
48 Tremisel Legacy 1737.2 75.5 02/12/21 21:17:14
49 Fixis Arcanum 1737.0 80.8 11/08/19 20:51:02
50 Ironsuvior Legacy 1736.8 80.1 02/09/21 21:31:38
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Danideus Legacy 678.3 77.5 11/11/21 21:34:38
2 Panzerpope Unite And Vanquish 618.5 79.6 03/08/19 23:28:40
3 Lemoncake Legacy 507.9 75.4 15/07/21 21:20:55
4 Zarrokk Boom Stout 412.3 75.5 15/08/19 21:35:14
5 Haleman Legacy 388.4 75.7 12/05/22 20:17:46
6 Tankss Phoenix Rising 378.0 71.9 03/10/20 20:34:59
7 Thorna Legacy 321.8 74.4 15/07/21 21:20:55
8 Mammka Legacy 286.3 73.2 15/07/21 21:20:55
9 Verras Legacy 284.0 71.3 28/04/22 20:51:52
10 Lezak Legacy 264.0 74.6 08/09/22 20:49:10
11 Gelay Legacy 199.3 69.1 09/10/22 20:57:38
12 Mamant The Carebear Union IV 91.7 70.3 04/10/24 20:21:11
13 Akvinskitoma The Carebear Union IV 90.9 84.8 10/05/24 20:26:48
14 Stonedpala Legacy 79.3 65.1 05/05/22 22:55:14
15 Lamb Legacy 38.7 79.8 04/07/24 20:47:03
16 Andromedus Blood Pact 30.4 72.2 06/06/20 01:20:45
17 Lightstriker The Carebear Union IV 28.0 83.5 16/08/24 20:18:32
18 Lessa Legacy 27.2 83.6 16/07/20 21:16:42
19 Beardickbro Arcanum 21.9 78.7 18/08/19 20:34:20
20 Retripower Legacy 16.7 80.8 16/09/21 21:31:20
21 Lentrim Blood Pact 13.7 62.4 07/11/20 01:32:01
22 Stav Legacy 12.6 81.9 29/08/24 21:10:48
23 Luppehh Legacy 12.4 79.4 10/03/22 21:58:33
24 Britannie The Carebear Union IV 11.9 82.8 22/11/24 22:12:22
25 Bubblebootie Blood Pact 11.5 73.6 03/10/20 20:36:45
26 Monstin Blood Pact 9.5 80.0 10/10/20 21:41:17
27 Naleira Full Mithril Jacket 9.3 65.3 31/07/19 20:53:37
28 Nixxus Blood Pact 9.0 73.2 27/07/20 00:03:58
29 Cerosona Legacy 8.7 83.7 09/10/22 20:57:38
30 Axelian Boom Stout 8.3 73.5 25/07/19 22:09:54
31 Kristalis Legacy 7.8 82.1 16/07/20 21:16:42
32 Ursella Legacy 7.6 83.7 09/01/25 20:39:43
33 Mistreated Legacy 7.4 84.2 19/09/23 22:23:29
34 Tomaakvinski Legacy 7.1 71.8 27/01/22 21:39:30
35 Valso Legacy 6.7 81.2 01/09/19 21:56:29
36 Sarraya Legacy 6.6 72.6 17/10/19 21:29:57
37 Trayned Unite And Vanquish 5.9 83.6 10/08/19 23:30:58
38 Uthes Legacy 5.9 82.5 09/11/23 22:39:29
39 Joes Legacy 5.8 84.9 26/09/24 20:43:16
40 Andaer TehBox 4.9 78.9 02/08/19 04:37:41
41 Katalinya Legacy 4.9 83.9 14/12/23 20:49:02
42 Mirkoo Legacy 4.7 77.9 07/07/22 20:38:02
43 Chaosactual TehBox 3.6 76.1 26/07/19 04:43:02
44 Renovatio Blood Pact 3.2 79.1 09/07/21 23:42:39
45 Ilhani Blood Pact 3.0 68.5 26/06/21 00:03:59
46 Funtgoogol Legacy 2.4 75.0 19/08/21 21:27:06
47 Gohk Blood Pact 2.3 78.6 08/08/20 21:21:03
48 Amormio Blood Pact 1.0 81.5 27/02/21 01:52:12
49 Lyllan Blood Pact 0.6 77.1 06/06/20 01:20:45
50 Brunodeluxe Full Mithril Jacket 0.2 83.2 24/07/19 21:20:17
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Eqweqwrqwr The Carebear Union IV 1637.0 82.5 31/05/24 20:30:09
2 Zalmo The Carebear Union IV 1420.9 76.8 07/06/24 20:23:37
3 Thamok The Carebear Union IV 1401.5 75.2 26/04/24 20:35:41
4 Zagor The Carebear Union IV 1376.1 86.3 11/10/24 20:22:42
5 Myrass one day at a time 1374.4 74.2 23/10/24 19:22:44
6 Terexin Blood Pact 1355.2 75.8 24/04/21 00:31:03
7 Nekyia Cupcake of Kronos IV 1348.8 73.9 16/03/24 20:49:00
8 Pottward The Carebear Union IV 1331.2 73.4 28/06/24 20:38:28
9 Dilldon The Carebear Union IV 1314.5 82.8 05/07/24 20:26:22
10 Faith Unite And Vanquish 1302.9 85.3 07/08/21 22:47:50
11 Opiume The Carebear Union IV 1292.9 80.8 03/05/24 20:27:22
12 Yato The Carebear Union IV 1289.2 86.9 17/01/25 21:15:01
13 Matada Blood Pact 1284.2 73.4 30/07/21 23:48:10
14 Opywann one day at a time 1273.3 83.9 12/06/24 20:21:07
15 Bismarck The Carebear Union IV 1195.6 80.5 23/08/24 21:42:18
16 Ahrei Legacy 1188.1 82.1 05/01/23 20:59:06
17 Katrana Legacy 1139.9 75.1 06/02/20 21:34:27
18 Antiseptic Legacy 1108.4 78.5 03/03/22 22:17:58
19 Nadrideada Cupcake of Kronos IV 1033.0 75.4 01/06/24 20:48:25
20 Bunnyaggro Blood Pact 1008.1 81.0 19/09/21 20:25:38
21 Opiwann Legacy 981.9 82.6 14/12/23 20:49:02
22 Lightmare The Carebear Union IV 971.5 86.9 14/06/24 21:17:47
23 Mantuitorul Legacy 967.4 73.7 12/05/22 20:17:46
24 Thepureone Legacy 940.4 76.8 13/02/20 20:24:47
25 Dalilka Legacy 933.7 80.5 10/06/21 22:17:37
26 Emaculatia Blood Pact 928.2 76.1 30/07/21 23:48:10
27 Juda one day at a time 920.8 77.7 11/09/24 19:37:35
28 Muramasa Blood Pact 904.7 69.5 26/06/21 00:03:59
29 Nythfaliene Legacy 889.6 86.1 21/10/21 21:33:07
30 Golfwang GTO 887.4 74.1 08/12/22 21:11:39
31 Gacha Legacy 868.3 84.7 15/08/24 20:47:48
32 Feddic Legacy 864.9 80.9 06/01/22 21:52:27
33 Kindacrappy Unite And Vanquish 862.1 81.8 03/08/19 23:28:40
34 Esparanta Blood Pact 842.2 78.8 20/11/21 22:49:15
35 Georette Arcanum 777.4 68.6 04/08/19 21:03:28
36 Ulimeas Unite And Vanquish 775.5 83.1 18/08/19 00:49:40
37 Abomi Legacy 734.2 71.5 19/11/20 20:19:14
38 Pishulinka Legacy 712.1 81.4 01/08/24 20:57:09
39 Danielus Blood Pact 679.1 75.1 16/10/20 23:17:28
40 Trane Legacy 670.9 75.8 17/03/22 21:53:45
41 Liluu Legacy 667.3 74.1 11/07/24 20:38:19
42 Aara Carnage 663.5 81.0 01/08/19 22:08:32
43 Pottan Boom Stout 628.9 69.6 25/07/19 22:09:54
44 Oidde The Carebear Union IV 617.1 74.5 09/08/24 20:26:39
45 Macular Blood Pact 614.7 73.3 05/02/21 23:52:13
46 Jellybrain one day at a time 601.9 74.4 11/09/24 19:37:35
47 Nenemae Sinful 566.2 79.4 30/06/21 19:40:44
48 Galexia Legacy 521.9 75.2 08/09/19 21:57:40
49 Jackpots Sinful 493.5 78.7 18/08/21 20:27:43
50 Kemik Sinful 481.8 75.7 01/07/20 21:53:01
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Stabby Cupcake 2136.1 85.6 14/12/24 20:28:47
2 Blackmold Cupcake 2072.5 84.8 23/11/24 20:34:10
3 Debugger The Carebear Union IV 2066.2 84.5 16/08/24 20:18:32
4 Babayagax Cupcake 1969.2 83.4 07/12/24 20:36:52
5 Euclir The Carebear Union IV 1966.2 84.5 20/12/24 20:44:28
6 Aard Cupcake 1921.3 84.8 14/12/24 20:28:47
7 Groka Cupcake 1910.4 83.2 04/01/25 20:28:06
8 Namenloser Unite And Vanquish 1895.5 85.4 28/07/19 00:06:25
9 Relentless Cupcake 1722.2 84.2 28/12/24 20:29:36
10 Sevem Unite And Vanquish 1713.2 87.1 24/08/19 23:30:12
11 Omanbrekka Unite And Vanquish 1696.3 82.1 03/08/19 23:28:40
12 Spiroui Legacy 1691.6 86.4 16/01/25 20:23:02
13 Irradiated The Carebear Union IV 1686.9 84.9 03/01/25 20:42:29
14 Derric Legacy 1618.0 82.6 29/10/20 20:02:14
15 Quietstorm The Carebear Union IV 1615.4 82.2 15/11/24 21:33:31
16 Marigold Cupcake 1586.2 83.2 21/12/24 20:28:35
17 Steal The Carebear Union IV 1584.5 82.5 10/01/25 20:48:05
18 Wholly Cupcake 1548.0 82.8 18/01/25 20:33:57
19 Morereasons Legacy 1539.7 84.7 16/01/20 21:03:53
20 Zza Arcanum 1535.4 83.2 18/08/19 20:34:20
21 Kiseiju Cupcake 1519.2 82.9 14/12/24 20:28:47
22 Otrera Legacy 1517.3 82.5 25/06/20 20:28:06
23 Dompom The Carebear Union IV 1515.9 84.0 19/04/24 20:27:45
24 Rahvalod Legacy 1515.8 86.2 24/09/20 20:15:21
25 Undisclosecl Legacy 1488.9 82.0 16/01/25 20:23:02
26 Fostercare Sinful 1484.8 84.9 02/09/20 21:59:43
27 Renowneu Cupcake 1475.1 81.8 23/11/24 20:34:10
28 Obese Carnage 1467.6 83.4 15/08/19 19:59:50
29 Slowblow Legacy 1466.7 83.5 16/01/25 20:23:02
30 Xarr one day at a time 1447.2 81.1 08/01/25 20:25:25
31 Pipila Legacy 1440.9 82.6 22/09/22 20:41:32
32 Leland Unite And Vanquish 1440.0 87.1 28/07/19 00:06:25
33 Goobermint Unite And Vanquish 1420.0 84.9 03/08/19 23:28:40
34 Daron Legacy 1415.4 82.1 09/05/24 20:42:33
35 Goodtrick The Carebear Union IV 1411.5 84.2 01/11/24 20:27:59
36 Khx Arcanum 1400.4 80.4 28/07/19 20:16:48
37 Inami Legacy 1390.8 84.5 27/02/20 20:29:18
38 Howlina Legacy 1389.6 81.7 15/10/20 20:20:13
39 Stacks one day at a time 1382.3 76.9 04/12/24 19:48:06
40 Hovan Legacy 1377.1 82.4 15/08/24 20:47:48
41 Grizmunda Cupcake 1376.2 81.2 26/10/24 20:31:52
42 Valentinno Legacy 1372.2 82.9 07/05/20 20:21:53
43 Rickrogue Legacy 1357.3 85.9 25/06/20 20:28:06
44 Cless Legacy 1348.4 82.1 08/10/20 20:22:36
45 Fayceles Legacy 1348.2 83.7 02/09/21 21:31:38
46 Cindia Legacy 1344.2 79.5 02/09/21 21:31:38
47 Blackshade Legacy 1342.8 85.7 12/11/20 20:20:00
48 Schwein Legacy 1334.3 81.2 22/09/22 20:41:32
49 Kissyourself Arcanum 1333.9 82.4 18/08/19 20:34:20
50 Handicrap Unite And Vanquish 1288.4 83.6 24/08/19 23:30:12
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Drleet Cupcake 1092.3 73.2 26/10/24 20:31:52
2 Lama Cupcake 900.3 78.4 04/01/25 20:28:06
3 Morokolli Sinful 826.0 79.6 04/08/21 20:21:38
4 Makstorm Cupcake of Kronos IV 355.3 73.3 03/08/24 20:42:44
5 Lorsham Cupcake of Kronos IV 346.7 68.9 06/04/24 20:48:17
6 Wrenstone Cupcake of Kronos IV 186.9 74.5 06/07/24 20:58:34
7 Tooteshniy one day at a time 74.7 76.3 15/01/25 19:42:49
8 Spiru Sinful 74.1 81.3 08/07/20 21:16:31
9 Mult Carnage 34.8 76.2 01/08/19 22:08:32
10 Tootss Cupcake 33.4 71.0 26/10/24 20:31:52
11 Darktyrant Cupcake 29.1 81.4 07/12/24 20:36:52
12 Jaraxxusx GTO 27.0 79.8 26/01/23 21:02:33
13 Quetzal Cupcake 23.2 75.9 02/11/24 19:53:03
14 Kadr Cupcake 23.0 68.3 09/11/24 20:33:32
15 Schnetzler Sinful 20.8 82.8 22/04/20 20:48:05
16 Krunsh Sinful 20.7 76.3 03/06/20 20:50:05
17 Ihealubro Cupcake 20.5 84.7 23/11/24 20:34:10
18 Ehuez one day at a time 19.1 81.5 10/07/24 19:57:19
19 Sesshomarou Sinful 18.4 78.5 22/04/20 20:48:05
20 Ezuma Sinful 17.7 76.8 29/07/20 22:30:16
21 Rageingstorm Sinful 17.1 83.1 17/06/20 20:47:58
22 Forgeweld one day at a time 14.6 72.9 22/05/24 20:57:12
23 Nikken GTO 13.5 78.3 26/01/23 21:02:33
24 Tacoshaman Cupcake of Kronos IV 12.5 84.9 20/07/24 20:46:31
25 Strep Sinful 11.7 82.5 05/04/20 19:59:33
26 Gokhum Pertento 11.6 74.9 25/07/19 19:41:59
27 Tortuga Cupcake 10.5 83.0 07/12/24 20:36:52
28 Indez Sinful 8.7 78.0 18/08/21 20:27:43
29 Shamse Cupcake of Kronos IV 7.1 72.6 03/03/24 20:38:39
30 Mongto Sinful 6.0 73.7 23/05/21 22:28:36
31 Dezzasta Pertento 5.2 75.6 25/07/19 19:41:59
32 Kelorn Banished 3.3 71.6 23/06/20 22:46:31
33 Kow Banished 3.1 70.1 23/06/20 22:46:31
34 Nishra Banished 2.7 75.5 23/06/20 22:46:31
35 Viora Pertento 2.6 72.1 01/08/19 19:45:08
36 Shimar one day at a time 2.5 69.3 17/04/24 21:08:55
37 Menippous Sinful 1.7 84.1 20/05/20 20:35:58
38 Okseronk one day at a time 1.4 78.1 25/09/24 22:52:40
39 Kantate Banished 0.9 71.2 23/06/20 22:46:31
40 Forrie Cupcake of Kronos IV 0.2 84.8 06/07/24 20:58:34
41 Phlaemy Cupcake of Kronos IV 0.2 84.1 30/03/24 20:44:23
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Wryfyng Legacy 1745.2 85.7 24/09/20 20:15:21
2 Kamithin Legacy 1539.6 84.5 23/04/20 20:30:36
3 Muppet The Carebear Union IV 1423.4 85.7 10/05/24 20:26:48
4 Reasonss Carnage 1388.5 84.3 15/08/19 19:59:50
5 Hjulmand Cupcake 1385.6 85.1 26/10/24 20:31:52
6 Jyujyu one day at a time 1346.6 85.1 13/11/24 19:22:37
7 Locina Legacy 1344.7 84.4 14/11/24 20:31:09
8 Tabiita The Carebear Union IV 1339.0 85.8 30/08/24 20:30:39
9 Crows Cupcake 1314.3 85.0 23/11/24 20:34:10
10 Dawmonic The Carebear Union IV 1309.8 82.7 10/01/25 20:48:05
11 Conspirazy Sinful 1298.5 82.7 16/06/21 19:28:22
12 Ayashie Legacy 1294.7 84.8 21/05/20 20:18:37
13 Imwreqq Legacy 1290.7 81.6 11/02/21 20:35:43
14 Locinadva Legacy 1258.6 77.4 11/07/24 20:38:19
15 Kainnee Legacy 1243.3 84.1 06/06/24 20:33:30
16 Notfriendzon Legacy 1226.0 85.8 08/07/21 21:14:47
17 Zoorg The Carebear Union IV 1210.6 85.3 10/05/24 20:26:48
18 Kewoo The Carebear Union IV 1198.9 86.0 13/09/24 20:48:43
19 Thirteenth Cupcake 1190.5 85.1 26/10/24 20:31:52
20 Savagemat Legacy 1171.3 84.2 01/04/21 21:13:25
21 Siya Legacy 1169.6 84.6 04/04/24 20:40:28
22 Jeffry Carnage 1162.9 79.3 08/08/19 19:42:46
23 Figss Unite And Vanquish 1161.9 85.1 28/07/19 00:06:25
24 Oisky Legacy 1161.1 78.4 19/12/24 20:33:54
25 Lightsoff The Carebear Union IV 1136.9 80.8 21/06/24 20:27:32
26 Auchsie Legacy 1113.4 84.5 15/09/22 20:37:44
27 Cakemonster Sinful 1105.5 83.8 17/06/20 20:47:58
28 Frakt Legacy 1095.1 82.9 24/09/20 20:15:21
29 Roli The Carebear Union IV 1094.7 80.5 28/06/24 20:38:28
30 Dimensius Legacy 1088.0 84.5 30/04/20 20:34:05
31 Buscemi Arcanum 1082.6 79.9 18/08/19 20:34:20
32 Megalock The Carebear Union IV 1072.8 84.5 15/11/24 21:33:31
33 Dirsen Unite And Vanquish 1068.7 85.5 03/08/19 23:28:40
34 Decay one day at a time 1057.4 81.8 08/01/25 20:25:25
35 Xmas Legacy 1055.8 85.5 15/07/21 21:20:55
36 Snotog The Carebear Union IV 1046.8 82.2 30/08/24 20:30:39
37 Chakra Cupcake 1042.8 78.8 26/10/24 20:31:52
38 Zixayld Arcanum 1032.0 80.9 18/08/19 20:34:20
39 Phaze Legacy 1030.6 76.2 27/08/20 20:16:11
40 Facehuggerr Legacy 1019.8 84.7 09/07/20 21:05:00
41 Adaronie one day at a time 1008.4 75.4 18/09/24 19:30:29
42 Katebeknsale Legacy 1006.9 84.5 01/04/21 21:13:25
43 Jaraxxuss Legacy 1001.5 76.5 20/02/20 20:24:17
44 Vartuvka Blood Pact 992.4 82.9 13/11/21 20:26:39
45 Deadvegan Sinful 992.0 77.2 08/09/21 19:56:49
46 Velaide Unite And Vanquish 977.2 82.2 10/08/19 23:30:58
47 Douevenshard Legacy 971.3 84.7 09/03/24 20:51:00
48 Crillan Legacy 956.9 85.8 10/09/20 20:24:17
49 Varkkaaja Cupcake 944.8 85.6 07/09/24 20:39:54
50 Amissa Sinful 932.3 78.2 09/09/20 20:48:32
Character Guild DPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Badjoke one day at a time 2997.8 83.7 13/11/24 19:22:37
2 Nedstark The Carebear Union IV 2877.8 81.4 18/10/24 20:50:07
3 Tekesh Cupcake 2542.3 79.7 18/01/25 20:33:57
4 Drizztdour The Carebear Union IV 2403.8 79.7 27/12/24 21:06:26
5 Jebuh one day at a time 2360.9 77.5 04/12/24 19:48:06
6 Alamonix The Carebear Union IV 2341.9 79.4 27/12/24 21:06:26
7 Rizzlord one day at a time 2332.5 76.9 13/11/24 19:22:37
8 Wastegate Unite And Vanquish 2286.8 82.1 10/08/19 23:30:58
9 Dystopia The Carebear Union IV 2258.3 78.0 20/12/24 20:44:28
10 Atlas The Carebear Union IV 2253.2 82.5 01/11/24 20:27:59
11 Executie The Carebear Union IV 2230.7 78.8 20/12/24 20:44:28
12 Jebu The Carebear Union IV 2229.0 78.5 27/12/24 21:06:26
13 Irakan Cupcake 2212.4 82.6 26/10/24 20:31:52
14 Moggie one day at a time 2160.8 75.1 13/11/24 19:22:37
15 Crispychips one day at a time 2158.6 73.1 11/09/24 19:37:35
16 Cuchulainn The Carebear Union IV 2135.3 81.0 18/10/24 20:50:07
17 Topdog The Carebear Union IV 2106.2 71.8 27/12/24 21:06:26
18 Waste Cupcake 2102.5 71.5 28/12/24 20:29:36
19 Baldingbob The Carebear Union IV 2090.2 76.7 01/11/24 20:27:59
20 Exception Legacy 2072.4 76.6 26/03/20 20:26:01
21 Rextwo Legacy 2068.5 76.5 16/01/20 21:03:53
22 Nethris Legacy 2062.3 79.8 29/10/20 20:02:14
23 Feorcana one day at a time 2050.8 72.4 13/11/24 19:22:37
24 Puma The Carebear Union IV 2037.8 78.6 25/10/24 20:47:26
25 Shike Legacy 2036.5 75.2 24/10/24 20:33:43
26 Zernot The Carebear Union IV 2019.4 81.4 20/12/24 20:44:28
27 Pumah one day at a time 2018.0 74.1 20/11/24 19:26:11
28 Rogzzi one day at a time 2007.7 78.9 20/11/24 19:26:11
29 Cancel The Carebear Union IV 1988.9 79.1 17/05/24 20:29:26
30 Suaimhneas Legacy 1988.0 81.1 08/02/24 20:29:03
31 Dulmash Cupcake 1985.8 76.7 19/10/24 20:30:33
32 Griselbrand Legacy 1974.3 78.3 22/09/22 20:41:32
33 Capo The Carebear Union IV 1972.8 77.3 12/07/24 20:23:49
34 Cali The Carebear Union IV 1970.5 77.5 25/10/24 20:47:26
35 Drizzrizz The Carebear Union IV 1955.4 77.5 13/09/24 20:48:43
36 Marg Cupcake 1948.1 81.2 28/12/24 20:29:36
37 Jily The Carebear Union IV 1917.2 76.3 20/12/24 20:44:28
38 Burial one day at a time 1899.4 69.5 04/12/24 19:48:06
39 Easylife Legacy 1893.8 81.6 19/03/20 20:23:24
40 Dogwipe Legacy 1877.5 78.4 09/07/20 21:05:00
41 Capoeira one day at a time 1863.3 74.2 21/08/24 20:53:22
42 Cadex Carnage 1860.7 75.1 08/08/19 19:42:46
43 Easylifex one day at a time 1860.1 80.8 21/08/24 20:53:22
44 Lzurion one day at a time 1858.3 76.6 20/11/24 19:26:11
45 Mattz Arcanum 1832.0 75.9 28/07/19 20:16:48
46 Recklessness The Carebear Union IV 1822.4 70.9 04/10/24 20:21:11
47 Reeson Unite And Vanquish 1815.3 82.5 30/08/20 00:04:44
48 Naivora Legacy 1807.5 72.5 22/09/22 20:41:32
49 Steel The Carebear Union IV 1805.0 79.6 24/05/24 20:24:25
50 Cuchi The Carebear Union IV 1797.3 75.2 03/01/25 20:42:29
Character Guild HPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Clavito The Carebear Union IV 1637.60 78.7 21/06/24 20:27:32
2 Auroth The Carebear Union IV 1521.33 78.9 16/08/24 20:18:32
3 Felli The Carebear Union IV 1426.56 81.5 18/10/24 20:50:07
4 Zherul The Carebear Union IV 1186.28 75.1 10/01/25 20:48:05
5 Untamed Unite And Vanquish 1106.52 80.7 10/08/19 23:30:58
6 Oowek The Carebear Union IV 1080.84 72.8 20/09/24 21:06:54
7 Lessa Legacy 1066.58 84.5 12/12/19 22:12:35
8 Bismarck The Carebear Union IV 1032.15 79.4 01/11/24 20:27:59
9 Katrana Legacy 995.14 79.4 19/09/24 20:32:58
10 Svetloba Legacy 983.03 82.8 05/01/23 20:59:06
11 Vestalis Unite And Vanquish 976.09 83.4 28/07/19 00:06:25
12 Feorana The Carebear Union IV 970.48 79.9 27/09/24 20:26:33
13 Vladen Legacy 957.17 81.1 07/01/21 20:22:26
14 Spiru one day at a time 955.50 81.8 06/11/24 19:25:52
15 Yato The Carebear Union IV 943.86 86.3 05/07/24 20:26:22
16 Dalilka Legacy 935.36 86.1 07/10/21 21:21:14
17 Jaraxxusx one day at a time 915.63 76.6 20/11/24 19:26:11
18 Liluu Legacy 911.31 82.9 29/12/22 20:36:32
19 Macular Blood Pact 910.71 75.1 10/04/21 20:18:21
20 Ihealubro Cupcake 909.92 84.7 23/11/24 20:34:10
21 Naturio Legacy 881.26 84.6 20/02/20 20:24:17
22 Nekyia Cupcake 872.24 80.4 19/10/24 20:30:33
23 Kemik Sinful 872.11 81.8 19/08/20 20:55:43
24 Katalinya Legacy 862.43 84.8 08/02/24 20:29:03
25 Myrass Cupcake 857.75 77.2 21/12/24 20:28:35
26 Forrie Cupcake 857.04 85.0 07/12/24 20:36:52
27 Indez Sinful 838.97 78.9 08/09/21 19:56:49
28 Ehuez Cupcake 836.59 79.7 18/01/25 20:33:57
29 Feddic Legacy 828.03 71.0 15/07/21 21:20:55
30 Okseronk one day at a time 808.89 78.5 23/10/24 19:22:44
31 Ampliheal Legacy 797.25 75.3 22/08/24 20:43:21
32 Baltherion Legacy 784.82 85.2 19/12/24 20:33:54
33 Kindhearted Arcanum 784.01 81.3 28/07/19 20:16:48
34 Ulimeas Unite And Vanquish 783.36 83.1 24/08/19 23:30:12
35 Lemoncake Legacy 778.11 84.6 07/01/21 20:22:26
36 Mantuitorul Legacy 765.02 74.1 17/03/22 21:53:45
37 Moodymann Carnage 761.60 78.0 22/08/19 20:12:27
38 Galexia Legacy 758.21 86.4 18/06/20 20:24:31
39 Maiztro Cupcake of Kronos IV 758.09 76.9 13/04/24 20:46:04
40 Strep one day at a time 752.45 83.6 06/11/24 19:25:52
41 Akvinskitoma The Carebear Union IV 748.80 84.4 29/11/24 20:42:34
42 Decapitated Legacy 732.46 86.1 07/01/21 20:22:26
43 Danideus Legacy 728.45 81.6 29/12/22 20:36:32
44 Jestin Carnage 723.26 78.2 25/07/19 19:48:08
45 Aras Carnage 720.85 75.2 25/07/19 19:48:08
46 Gacha Legacy 720.24 80.3 09/05/24 20:42:33
47 Bushcheney Kronos 720.20 74.4 27/04/23 22:58:22
48 Galgir Blood Pact 719.58 80.4 13/11/21 20:26:39
49 Sarraya Legacy 716.74 84.6 21/05/20 20:18:37
50 Haffi Arcanum 716.23 77.5 04/08/19 21:03:28
Character Guild HPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Felli The Carebear Union IV 1426.56 81.5 18/10/24 20:50:07
2 Untamed Unite And Vanquish 1106.52 80.7 10/08/19 23:30:58
3 Feorana The Carebear Union IV 970.48 79.9 27/09/24 20:26:33
4 Vladen Legacy 957.17 81.1 07/01/21 20:22:26
5 Naturio Legacy 881.26 84.6 20/02/20 20:24:17
6 Baltherion Legacy 784.82 85.2 19/12/24 20:33:54
7 Decapitated Legacy 732.46 86.1 07/01/21 20:22:26
8 Haffi Arcanum 716.23 77.5 04/08/19 21:03:28
9 Kamithila Legacy 691.23 72.4 16/07/20 21:16:42
10 Fantasimo Legacy 684.54 85.0 26/11/20 20:26:22
11 Alethia Legacy 646.40 76.3 21/10/21 21:33:07
12 Gotbud Carnage 643.91 74.8 25/07/19 19:48:08
13 Verdalia Unite And Vanquish 625.98 82.7 10/08/19 23:30:58
14 Anthelody The Carebear Union IV 625.73 74.1 18/10/24 20:50:07
15 Tinuevel Legacy 600.06 74.8 05/12/19 22:34:41
16 Decebal Arcanum 588.56 74.6 28/07/19 20:16:48
17 Kovarnaya Cupcake 586.10 78.5 18/01/25 20:33:57
18 Athairne Cupcake 578.94 83.2 18/01/25 20:33:57
19 Nekonya Legacy 558.15 83.5 22/10/20 20:16:59
20 Byde Legacy 555.23 75.5 01/12/22 20:38:38
21 Toones Sinful 553.52 76.9 02/09/20 21:59:43
22 Gulyasalkesz Blood Pact 551.88 77.0 27/07/20 00:03:58
23 Loppa Sinful 551.29 78.6 24/06/20 20:44:03
24 Alawen Blood Pact 547.51 74.4 14/03/20 21:27:55
25 Ectopic Blood Pact 545.40 86.3 12/09/20 23:19:05
26 Justshifting Legacy 529.56 80.1 15/07/21 21:20:55
27 Orixon Cupcake 520.56 84.3 26/10/24 20:31:52
28 Vold Legacy 520.06 81.4 07/11/24 20:35:26
29 Skjura The Carebear Union IV 510.59 80.7 17/01/25 21:15:01
30 Thatreason Legacy 497.70 81.2 30/07/20 20:25:41
31 Emerion Unite And Vanquish 482.52 82.7 24/08/19 23:30:12
32 Gweilo The Carebear Union IV 481.05 78.6 05/04/24 20:29:13
33 Reasonabull Core 473.91 85.8 09/06/20 21:08:55
34 Sandmia Blood Pact 467.40 84.1 14/05/21 23:09:16
35 Sthlm Boom Stout 464.75 83.6 15/08/19 21:35:14
36 Sadcowfface Cupcake of Kronos IV 462.99 73.5 10/02/24 21:02:21
37 Kaakeli Sinful 461.41 80.1 19/01/20 19:43:48
38 Telaranti Legacy 452.94 74.9 16/01/20 21:03:53
39 Thalen Blood Pact 451.46 67.7 06/09/20 21:04:18
40 Chaerin Blood Pact 448.16 83.2 28/05/21 23:08:16
41 Raykku Legacy 445.67 84.4 23/07/23 21:28:02
42 Crrack Phoenix Rising 445.44 72.8 26/09/20 20:38:05
43 Vachie Sinful 443.96 74.5 11/08/21 19:52:42
44 Opydruid one day at a time 442.64 79.8 13/11/24 19:22:37
45 Montito Blood Pact 437.87 79.7 13/11/21 20:26:39
46 Kinko Legacy 432.29 78.2 18/06/20 20:24:31
47 Hybrid Sinful 431.36 76.9 15/12/19 20:20:32
48 Bilx Phoenix Rising 429.94 74.6 26/04/20 20:38:33
49 Rady TehBox 425.65 77.1 09/08/19 05:22:00
50 Ql Legacy 423.22 73.7 12/03/23 20:38:25
Character Guild HPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Lessa Legacy 1066.58 84.5 12/12/19 22:12:35
2 Svetloba Legacy 983.03 82.8 05/01/23 20:59:06
3 Katalinya Legacy 862.43 84.8 08/02/24 20:29:03
4 Lemoncake Legacy 778.11 84.6 07/01/21 20:22:26
5 Akvinskitoma The Carebear Union IV 748.80 84.4 29/11/24 20:42:34
6 Danideus Legacy 728.45 81.6 29/12/22 20:36:32
7 Sarraya Legacy 716.74 84.6 21/05/20 20:18:37
8 Unurau Legacy 715.28 84.6 16/09/21 21:31:20
9 Durin The Carebear Union IV 708.45 76.7 10/01/25 20:48:05
10 Fernandin The Carebear Union IV 684.85 73.4 19/07/24 21:32:33
11 Lamb Legacy 674.00 78.3 09/05/24 20:42:33
12 Josbroek Legacy 673.79 83.8 27/02/20 20:29:18
13 Viorica Legacy 673.04 83.5 01/10/20 20:18:12
14 Verras Legacy 669.78 80.3 11/07/24 20:38:19
15 Kristalis Legacy 643.42 83.4 21/10/21 21:33:07
16 Renovatio The Carebear Union IV 614.46 85.5 27/09/24 20:26:33
17 Biv Arcanum 605.89 76.9 28/07/19 20:16:48
18 Mlatek The Carebear Union IV 604.77 82.0 07/06/24 20:23:37
19 Oidd The Carebear Union IV 587.25 82.8 09/02/24 20:50:22
20 Adenae Legacy 586.49 85.9 02/05/24 20:35:50
21 Brunodeluxe Full Mithril Jacket 579.58 83.2 24/07/19 21:20:17
22 Gohk Blood Pact 578.03 75.9 20/06/20 20:45:18
23 Sia Legacy 577.18 80.7 07/11/24 20:35:26
24 Retripower Blood Pact 575.10 80.2 06/08/21 23:37:13
25 Fudley Legacy 553.58 82.6 05/03/23 20:34:19
26 Smitehammer Legacy 552.86 82.8 10/09/20 20:24:17
27 Irith Arcanum 551.20 72.5 28/07/19 20:16:48
28 Ilhani Blood Pact 546.64 81.8 13/11/21 20:26:39
29 Mammka Legacy 544.68 84.7 03/06/21 21:55:14
30 Samsoe Arcanum 540.94 78.9 11/08/19 20:51:02
31 Flonsoc Legacy 539.52 75.0 16/01/25 20:23:02
32 Stael The Carebear Union IV 535.49 82.2 18/10/24 20:50:07
33 Pansexual Legacy 533.12 84.8 30/07/20 20:25:41
34 Wedg Legacy 529.02 83.2 25/06/20 20:28:06
35 Vran Legacy 528.78 72.9 26/03/20 20:26:01
36 Mistreated Legacy 523.06 83.5 05/10/23 21:20:01
37 Lightstriker Legacy 522.58 85.4 02/12/21 21:17:14
38 Garski Legacy 508.91 76.6 20/10/22 20:45:17
39 Thorna Legacy 503.99 76.5 28/01/21 20:50:50
40 Ultima TehBox 503.02 77.9 26/07/19 04:43:02
41 Monstin Blood Pact 497.56 67.8 27/07/20 00:03:58
42 Dalmasca The Carebear Union IV 497.34 81.9 17/01/25 21:15:01
43 Aysha The Carebear Union IV 496.66 80.1 18/10/24 20:50:07
44 Andromedus Legacy 486.92 83.1 14/12/23 20:49:02
45 Holykrusader Arcanum 486.66 78.4 04/08/19 21:03:28
46 Exocos Full Mithril Jacket 484.10 81.6 24/07/19 21:20:17
47 Paladyni The Carebear Union IV 483.21 67.5 13/12/24 20:45:04
48 Andaer TehBox 473.48 79.6 16/08/19 05:53:19
49 Medala Legacy 471.97 86.6 04/02/21 20:35:55
50 Farthas Unite And Vanquish 471.73 85.5 10/08/19 23:30:58
Character Guild HPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Clavito The Carebear Union IV 1637.60 78.7 21/06/24 20:27:32
2 Auroth The Carebear Union IV 1521.33 78.9 16/08/24 20:18:32
3 Zherul The Carebear Union IV 1186.28 75.1 10/01/25 20:48:05
4 Oowek The Carebear Union IV 1080.84 72.8 20/09/24 21:06:54
5 Bismarck The Carebear Union IV 1032.15 79.4 01/11/24 20:27:59
6 Katrana Legacy 995.14 79.4 19/09/24 20:32:58
7 Vestalis Unite And Vanquish 976.09 83.4 28/07/19 00:06:25
8 Yato The Carebear Union IV 943.86 86.3 05/07/24 20:26:22
9 Dalilka Legacy 935.36 86.1 07/10/21 21:21:14
10 Liluu Legacy 911.31 82.9 29/12/22 20:36:32
11 Macular Blood Pact 910.71 75.1 10/04/21 20:18:21
12 Nekyia Cupcake 872.24 80.4 19/10/24 20:30:33
13 Kemik Sinful 872.11 81.8 19/08/20 20:55:43
14 Myrass Cupcake 857.75 77.2 21/12/24 20:28:35
15 Feddic Legacy 828.03 71.0 15/07/21 21:20:55
16 Ampliheal Legacy 797.25 75.3 22/08/24 20:43:21
17 Kindhearted Arcanum 784.01 81.3 28/07/19 20:16:48
18 Ulimeas Unite And Vanquish 783.36 83.1 24/08/19 23:30:12
19 Mantuitorul Legacy 765.02 74.1 17/03/22 21:53:45
20 Galexia Legacy 758.21 86.4 18/06/20 20:24:31
21 Maiztro Cupcake of Kronos IV 758.09 76.9 13/04/24 20:46:04
22 Aras Carnage 720.85 75.2 25/07/19 19:48:08
23 Gacha Legacy 720.24 80.3 09/05/24 20:42:33
24 Galgir Blood Pact 719.58 80.4 13/11/21 20:26:39
25 Antiseptic Legacy 715.63 77.6 13/01/22 21:12:48
26 Jellybrain one day at a time 706.36 74.7 16/10/24 19:21:34
27 Kwynn Legacy 702.39 78.1 19/09/24 20:32:58
28 Neshto one day at a time 687.79 75.3 19/06/24 19:29:11
29 Aep Storm 682.91 75.6 25/07/19 22:48:57
30 Ahrei Legacy 671.52 76.7 27/12/20 20:39:50
31 Ruky Carnage 670.40 73.3 01/08/19 22:08:32
32 Judia Sinful 660.44 84.4 20/05/20 20:35:58
33 Pjuske Legacy 659.75 79.8 22/12/22 20:38:31
34 Satoko Legacy 657.70 83.1 19/11/20 20:19:14
35 Lorgan Legacy 648.60 77.6 14/02/23 20:32:05
36 Pottward The Carebear Union IV 641.29 73.3 18/10/24 20:50:07
37 Myrh Phoenix Rising 638.67 78.4 06/06/20 20:34:46
38 Lightmare The Carebear Union IV 635.79 87.2 12/04/24 21:24:08
39 Emmanuelle Unite And Vanquish 635.64 83.7 30/08/20 00:04:44
40 Bosit Blood Pact 626.35 73.6 29/08/20 20:55:58
41 Nythfaliene Legacy 612.43 85.5 13/02/20 20:24:47
42 Esparanta Blood Pact 605.72 79.7 27/03/21 20:39:34
43 Toluca Legacy 599.76 79.9 31/10/24 20:49:20
44 Skatchikomoe Legacy 599.41 82.3 03/09/20 20:26:22
45 Eqweqwrqwr The Carebear Union IV 597.62 82.3 12/04/24 21:24:08
46 Muramasa Blood Pact 593.15 79.7 13/11/21 20:26:39
47 Lokkii Legacy 591.04 73.1 22/09/19 20:23:15
48 Opiume The Carebear Union IV 589.98 78.9 01/03/24 20:37:41
49 Allarra Blood Pact 588.15 79.3 31/10/20 22:54:19
50 Laheyx Boom Stout 576.36 79.1 15/08/19 21:35:14
Character Guild HPS AVG Item Level Date
1 Spiru one day at a time 955.50 81.8 06/11/24 19:25:52
2 Jaraxxusx one day at a time 915.63 76.6 20/11/24 19:26:11
3 Ihealubro Cupcake 909.92 84.7 23/11/24 20:34:10
4 Forrie Cupcake 857.04 85.0 07/12/24 20:36:52
5 Indez Sinful 838.97 78.9 08/09/21 19:56:49
6 Ehuez Cupcake 836.59 79.7 18/01/25 20:33:57
7 Okseronk one day at a time 808.89 78.5 23/10/24 19:22:44
8 Moodymann Carnage 761.60 78.0 22/08/19 20:12:27
9 Strep one day at a time 752.45 83.6 06/11/24 19:25:52
10 Jestin Carnage 723.26 78.2 25/07/19 19:48:08
11 Bushcheney Kronos 720.20 74.4 27/04/23 22:58:22
12 Nikken one day at a time 711.11 79.3 20/11/24 19:26:11
13 Irrlicht one day at a time 690.97 80.6 11/09/24 19:37:35
14 Trall Carnage 656.62 75.6 25/07/19 19:48:08
15 Kallipso Cupcake of Kronos IV 655.12 78.2 13/07/24 20:41:27
16 Shamue Cupcake 654.58 80.6 28/09/24 20:33:05
17 Yoambe one day at a time 646.20 78.9 16/10/24 19:21:34
18 Meorc Cupcake of Kronos IV 637.76 77.8 27/04/24 20:45:26
19 Paxusz Carnage 630.14 78.9 15/08/19 19:59:50
20 Phlaemy Cupcake of Kronos IV 629.71 84.1 13/04/24 20:46:04
21 Indesham Sinful 613.37 76.0 09/06/21 19:31:25
22 Mongto Sinful 605.23 74.7 09/06/21 19:31:25
23 Massivebenis Carnage 603.93 79.9 22/08/19 20:12:27
24 Ramza Sinful 596.52 84.3 07/10/20 20:53:57
25 Gogoulini Sinful 591.59 77.9 13/05/20 20:36:20
26 Wrenstone Cupcake of Kronos IV 588.57 77.4 27/07/24 20:33:17
27 Schnetzler Sinful 574.29 85.4 10/06/20 20:52:23
28 Tacoshaman Cupcake of Kronos IV 572.22 78.5 27/04/24 20:45:26
29 Darktyrant Cupcake 559.45 81.5 21/12/24 20:28:35
30 Tooteshniy Sinful 552.57 74.4 06/06/21 21:52:05
31 Tootss Cupcake 537.62 77.2 28/12/24 20:29:36
32 Mult Carnage 527.98 76.2 01/08/19 22:08:32
33 Lietuvis Pertento 527.37 72.0 15/08/19 19:45:39
34 Menippous Sinful 522.05 83.6 10/06/20 20:52:23
35 Delthargodx one day at a time 512.87 79.6 09/10/24 19:25:22
36 Nishra Sinful 502.43 76.8 07/04/21 20:50:08
37 Teanea Carnage 494.37 73.3 01/08/19 22:08:32
38 Rageingstorm Sinful 493.59 83.1 09/09/20 20:48:32
39 Slammywammy Sinful 493.41 76.1 18/11/20 21:50:55
40 Zoggzogg Core 492.77 83.1 13/07/20 22:32:24
41 Kimon Sinful 487.48 70.4 08/09/21 19:56:49
42 Drenty Pertento 484.12 80.9 01/08/19 19:45:08
43 Sesshomarou Sinful 483.70 79.8 22/07/20 21:11:01
44 Lamboyalo Sinful 482.87 73.4 26/01/20 20:01:34
45 Lorsham Cupcake 466.76 81.6 21/12/24 20:28:35
46 Tortuga Cupcake 464.91 83.0 21/12/24 20:28:35
47 Bethilac Carnage 464.11 85.2 22/08/19 20:12:27
48 Darkminded Pertento 460.71 77.6 01/08/19 19:45:08
49 Klanias Sinful 460.66 78.1 05/02/20 19:57:24
50 Shamse Cupcake of Kronos IV 448.20 79.9 20/07/24 20:46:31


Times killed 564