Guilds <Carnage>

Raid Calendar

Top Ranking Members

Class Rank Boss Rank Rank Type Character Boss Kill
1 1 DPS Thekla Princess Huhuran 04/08/19 20:10:05
1 2 HPS Aras Buru the Gorger 02/08/19 22:09:40
1 7 HPS Paxusz Garr 05/08/19 20:54:54
1 8 HPS Zuchini Princess Huhuran 25/08/19 20:49:02
1 24 DPS Jeffry Buru the Gorger 07/08/19 21:55:01
1 28 HPS Zuchini Patchwerk 01/08/19 19:29:12
1 61 DPS Thekla The Prophet Skeram 04/08/19 19:49:38
1 73 DPS Tube Ebonroc 08/08/19 23:09:50
1 92 DPS Jeffry Moam 07/08/19 22:00:17
1 144 DPS Moonflower Princess Huhuran 28/07/19 20:19:11
2 2 DPS Shakeef High Priestess Arlokk 07/08/19 20:47:15
2 3 HPS Jestin Buru the Gorger 07/08/19 21:55:01
2 12 HPS Teanea Thaddius 01/08/19 19:51:21
2 15 HPS Jestin Grobbulus 25/07/19 20:38:26
2 17 HPS Jestin Heigan the Unclean 01/08/19 20:06:54
2 18 HPS Moodymann Instructor Razuvious 08/08/19 21:03:25
2 27 HPS Gotbud Buru the Gorger 05/08/19 22:12:39
2 33 DPS Hashtagmetoo Majordomo Executus 05/08/19 21:14:34
2 33 DPS Jeffry Ossirian the Unscarred 27/07/19 22:59:39
2 52 HPS Mult Gluth 08/08/19 20:36:03
2 67 HPS Moodymann Highlord Mograine 08/08/19 21:50:47
2 101 DPS Jeffry High Priestess Jeklik 07/08/19 21:13:17
2 253 DPS Aara Baron Geddon 29/07/19 20:38:48
3 3 DPS Cadex High Priestess Arlokk 27/07/19 21:30:30
3 4 DPS Cadex Baron Geddon 05/08/19 21:00:54
3 7 DPS Yamanda Jin'do the Hexxer 27/07/19 21:25:26
3 12 HPS Paxusz Gehennas 05/08/19 20:51:40
3 16 HPS Mult The Prophet Skeram 11/08/19 19:52:37
3 25 HPS Gotbud Princess Huhuran 28/07/19 20:19:11
3 28 DPS Obese Baron Geddon 05/08/19 21:00:54
3 56 DPS Jeffry Ayamiss the Hunter 07/08/19 22:27:51
3 62 HPS Jestin Kel'Thuzad 04/08/19 19:27:44
3 72 HPS Jestin Sapphiron 04/08/19 19:10:57
3 81 DPS Cakemonster Kurinnaxx 05/08/19 22:00:37
3 82 DPS Reasonss Battleguard Sartura 04/08/19 19:57:54
3 93 DPS Reasonss Sapphiron 11/08/19 19:10:08
3 103 DPS Jeffry Jin'do the Hexxer 07/08/19 20:43:10
3 114 DPS Jeffry General Rajaxx 27/07/19 22:36:15
3 120 DPS Moonflower Onyxia 28/07/19 21:36:04
3 132 DPS Cassete Moam 31/07/19 21:19:31
3 176 DPS Moonflower Battleguard Sartura 28/07/19 20:03:55
3 185 DPS Moonflower Nefarian 25/07/19 23:17:01
3 195 DPS Moonflower Anub'Rekhan 08/08/19 19:29:40
3 205 DPS Aara Majordomo Executus 29/07/19 20:57:19
3 206 DPS Aara Lord Kri 28/07/19 19:58:08
3 210 DPS Moonflower Grand Widow Faerlina 08/08/19 19:42:46
3 220 DPS Aara Golemagg the Incinerator 29/07/19 20:52:39
3 242 DPS Aara Battleguard Sartura 28/07/19 20:03:55
3 244 DPS Aara Chromaggus 25/07/19 23:10:12
3 285 DPS Dyz General Rajaxx 27/07/19 22:36:15

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