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Boss Rankings


Class Performance Rank


134.0 points

Blackwing Lair
Class Rank Boss Rank Rank Type Value Boss Date
29 38 DPS 1434.1 Nefarian 24/08/17 19:39:16
47 92 DPS 1335.5 Chromaggus 04/02/18 21:10:02
Molten Core
Class Rank Boss Rank Rank Type Value Boss Date
28 59 DPS 2132.1 Gehennas 29/12/17 21:37:13
39 72 DPS 1278.6 Majordomo Executus 02/12/17 23:19:55
45 64 DPS 1643.3 Shazzrah 12/01/18 21:36:11
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
Class Rank Boss Rank Rank Type Value Boss Date
38 95 DPS 776.6 Buru the Gorger 29/11/17 04:33:29
44 160 DPS 427.5 Ossirian the Unscarred 09/12/17 01:53:51
46 121 DPS 916.5 Kurinnaxx 09/12/17 01:23:39