Player Performance

Character Points
Wryfyng 3678.0
Baltherion 3648.0
Drleet 3637.0
Katrana 3626.0
Danideus 3616.0
Yikes 3602.0
Debugger 3512.0
Donnerwetter 3400.0
Nedstark 3298.0
Character Points
1 Baltherion 3648.0
2 Tariana 3600.4
3 Sherok 3463.2
4 Vladen 3322.8
5 Nekonya 2987.9
6 Smeagolassa 2972.0
7 Tattva 2764.0
8 Maulbatross 2661.0
9 Ehuezka 2447.3
10 Grrski 2388.1
11 Moonflower 2248.0
12 Indikrest 2164.0
13 Sandmia 2100.0
14 Tillit 1978.7
15 Terene 1900.0
16 Fexe 1770.0
17 Raykku 1749.6
18 Panzerkpfw 1725.8
19 Melodea 1580.0
20 Petelius 1576.0
21 Tondaeu 1502.0
22 Alawen 1486.0
23 Nefalla 1406.0
24 Brotzeit 1273.0
25 Scaab 1140.0
26 Harlleyquin 1128.6
27 Sthlm 1126.0
28 Dru 1117.7
29 Kinko 1095.3
30 Alethia 1086.0
31 Bearxx 1064.0
32 Gavrusha 1036.0
33 Decapitated 1009.4
34 Eralach 1008.0
35 Roopas 992.3
36 Montito 956.0
37 Clonnie 884.0
38 Ilythria 858.0
39 Melphina 830.0
40 Rolston 824.9
41 Shinzua 784.0
42 Miyun 736.0
43 Baergrylls 716.0
44 Sandiokhan 690.0
45 Supdruid 690.0
46 Parktronic 666.0
47 Orixson 648.0
48 Allvi 638.2
49 Whyhionewhy 598.0
50 Kvejgar 588.0
Character Points
1 Yikes 3602.0
2 Kalenji 3552.0
3 Elfsn 3268.0
4 Versacee 3224.0
5 Malinche 3180.0
6 Delta 3150.0
7 Loona 3052.0
8 Odahviing 2990.0
9 Ednaryt 2972.0
10 Pirulo 2798.0
11 Qualitylol 2786.0
12 Accipiter 2454.0
13 Himtahu 2366.0
14 Therealhardy 2226.0
15 Amicuz 2144.0
16 Nightsky 2104.0
17 Conn 1682.0
18 Vukyoyo 1586.0
19 Master 1574.0
20 Nazty 1524.0
21 Pepetts 1488.0
22 Demper 1458.0
23 Altereggo 1358.0
24 Asotos 1342.0
25 Bobyvaletino 1300.0
26 Nonfatcow 1280.0
27 Razzia 1270.0
28 Sixpistols 1170.0
29 Kalenj 1162.0
30 Defense 1076.0
31 Semda 1072.0
32 Roiaru 1052.0
33 Ht 1038.0
34 Huntie 1038.0
35 Semski 1032.0
36 Prydz 974.0
37 Stonebrain 950.0
38 Rinovatka 902.0
39 Lukslomalsa 874.0
40 Skolott 868.0
41 Slowbow 842.0
42 Snotshot 738.0
43 Vilelf 692.0
44 Caminos 682.0
45 Limpdickdps 660.0
46 Aim 544.0
47 Vectar 540.0
48 Itaroth 526.0
49 Meche 514.0
50 Neria 490.0
Character Points
1 Donnerwetter 3400.0
2 Deric 3200.0
3 Mippet 3190.0
4 Lennis 2792.0
5 Fattel 2782.0
6 Mommy 2782.0
7 Trestugaar 2552.0
8 Aegwein 2464.0
9 Icybob 2298.0
10 Wincerind 2254.0
11 Vendingbot 2242.0
12 Chromo 2042.0
13 Mfzl 1962.0
14 Elsa 1832.0
15 Rhasta 1672.0
16 Lepa 1600.0
17 Tattel 1480.0
18 Bordelmamka 1470.0
19 Addiction 1380.0
20 Toxics 1354.0
21 Minizeus 1322.0
22 Elit 1270.0
23 Gnomuch 1232.0
24 Lizsuwandi 1232.0
25 Toxxics 1140.0
26 Nortex 1078.0
27 Xernot 1056.0
28 Kaayla 1006.0
29 Netherias 984.0
30 Aluneth 958.0
31 Piecrust 958.0
32 Jabii 946.0
33 Swimmers 936.0
34 Bobiette 928.0
35 Heavenwaits 890.0
36 Cuca 870.0
37 Awor 848.0
38 Slavitrifono 826.0
39 Proasen 824.0
40 Thekla 810.0
41 Hajen 798.0
42 Manvve 774.0
43 Papers 774.0
44 Tube 768.0
45 Gumelus 738.0
46 Hellagein 726.0
47 Ruthar 704.0
48 Glazeit 658.0
49 Cainer 636.0
50 Steka 630.0
Character Points
1 Danideus 3616.0
2 Lemoncake 2879.7
3 Haleman 2586.0
4 Tankss 2504.0
5 Lezak 2496.9
6 Aixa 2409.6
7 Baladar 2223.8
8 Mamant 2181.0
9 Axelian 2169.5
10 Adenae 2044.5
11 Panzerpope 1940.0
12 Seibi 1906.0
13 Thorna 1796.9
14 Monstin 1652.8
15 Mammka 1629.4
16 Viorica 1614.7
17 Lentrim 1596.3
18 Stonedpala 1540.9
19 Josbroek 1526.0
20 Noricopaladi 1348.0
21 Apostate 1330.0
22 Verras 1305.2
23 Hurtadin 1274.0
24 Funtgoogol 1214.0
25 Liadrin 1140.0
26 Holward 1132.0
27 Ariez 1120.0
28 Corva 1108.0
29 Groovy 1048.0
30 Deliciousnes 958.0
31 Akvinskitoma 940.9
32 Amormio 931.2
33 Aceofmace 918.0
34 Katalinya 916.1
35 Deznutts 916.0
36 Cerosona 897.4
37 Lessa 886.0
38 Zarrokk 856.1
39 Drdarky 820.0
40 Liondeaux 816.0
41 Retripower 794.7
42 Gelay 779.4
43 Sanjiru 759.1
44 Lightstriker 752.0
45 Caseem 744.0
46 Lamb 684.1
47 Svetloba 655.5
48 Rizender 640.0
49 Meggadeath 632.0
50 Mistreated 570.5
Character Points
1 Katrana 3626.0
2 Kindacrappy 3482.0
3 Terexin 3350.0
4 Feddic 3296.0
5 Aara 3092.0
6 Dalilka 2654.0
7 Azmarie 2594.0
8 Matada 2518.0
9 Opywann 2456.0
10 Thepureone 2278.0
11 Rickpriest 2266.0
12 Pishulinka 2190.0
13 Bismarck 2080.0
14 Nenormalen 1892.0
15 Xaxol 1820.0
16 Nythfaliene 1808.0
17 Whootybooty 1740.0
18 Qiami 1738.0
19 Esparanta 1696.0
20 Bimono 1640.0
21 Justhealing 1584.0
22 Orfeo 1498.0
23 Assanaris 1398.0
24 Danielus 1374.0
25 Satoko 1354.0
26 Wedgez 1268.0
27 Macular 1266.0
28 Opiwann 1218.0
29 Priestrider 1216.0
30 Madeon 1138.0
31 Bunnyaggro 992.0
32 Zahlix 992.0
33 Buckliger 940.0
34 Sunboy 928.0
35 Muradini 902.0
36 Polednice 790.0
37 Kindhearted 768.0
38 Eqweqwrqwr 752.0
39 Gacha 744.0
40 Kemik 736.0
41 Liluu 730.0
42 Zagor 718.0
43 Mantuitorul 678.0
44 Jimstil 636.0
45 Zalmo 634.0
46 Daftpriest 632.0
47 Aildely 602.0
48 Macaw 594.0
49 Vivianna 556.0
50 Tete 536.0
Character Points
1 Debugger 3512.0
2 Euclir 3398.0
3 Namenloser 3180.0
4 Stabby 3004.0
5 Blackshade 2704.0
6 Spiroui 2634.0
7 Sevem 2598.0
8 Fayceles 2244.0
9 Fostercare 2226.0
10 Leland 2136.0
11 Btane 2014.0
12 Dompom 2012.0
13 Steal 1812.0
14 Howlina 1792.0
15 Obese 1774.0
16 Stacks 1750.0
17 Derric 1702.0
18 Babayagax 1604.0
19 Otrera 1496.0
20 Goobermint 1474.0
21 Lillemy 1442.0
22 Rickrogue 1438.0
23 Shmai 1390.0
24 Blackmold 1282.0
25 Casp 1242.0
26 Slowblow 1226.0
27 Valentinno 1206.0
28 Vazectomy 1164.0
29 Omanbrekka 1104.0
30 Undisclosecl 1100.0
31 Xarr 1064.0
32 Oktaviia 1036.0
33 Crappyjr 992.0
34 Pipila 992.0
35 Groka 990.0
36 Khx 962.0
37 Aard 960.0
38 Kiseiju 946.0
39 Elisha 938.0
40 Morereasons 934.0
41 Quietstorm 866.0
42 Goodtrick 820.0
43 Relentless 792.0
44 Inami 782.0
45 Kathiryn 764.0
46 Furcifer 756.0
47 Phnog 738.0
48 Hovan 710.0
49 Coldini 682.0
50 Norico 674.0
Character Points
1 Drleet 3637.0
2 Morokolli 3609.2
3 Lama 3422.8
4 Makstorm 3046.4
5 Ehuez 2570.5
6 Tooteshniy 2275.4
7 Schnetzler 2120.3
8 Forgeweld 1875.1
9 Lorsham 1867.2
10 Slammywammy 1853.1
11 Greenstrike 1849.5
12 Shamse 1848.7
13 Steckdose 1820.6
14 Northeaster 1722.1
15 Ezuma 1623.4
16 Nettiemoore 1470.0
17 Spiru 1429.4
18 Shammered 1346.7
19 Lamboyalo 1308.8
20 Wrenstone 1300.0
21 Sesshomarou 1208.6
22 Darktyrant 1183.1
23 Nikken 1089.1
24 Jaraxxusx 1075.7
25 Tootss 1013.5
26 Mcwindflurry 1010.0
27 Masana 996.0
28 Indez 969.7
29 Tarkk 960.0
30 Gogoulini 942.1
31 Adraestia 918.0
32 Antigen 906.0
33 Barakh 878.0
34 Iherbs 862.0
35 Viora 850.7
36 Strep 836.3
37 Okeanos 831.0
38 Rageingstorm 830.9
39 Tortuga 742.8
40 Saltovsky 736.0
41 Kimon 722.0
42 Zugkek 718.0
43 Babalawa 712.0
44 Okseronk 697.9
45 Depressedork 693.8
46 Forrie 692.9
47 Delthargodx 665.5
48 Durkos 646.0
49 Sequence 584.0
50 Tacoshaman 574.3
Character Points
1 Wryfyng 3678.0
2 Kamithin 3550.0
3 Ayashie 3352.0
4 Muppet 2998.0
5 Imwreqq 2888.0
6 Hjulmand 2660.0
7 Conspirazy 2582.0
8 Notfriendzon 2562.0
9 Savagemat 2528.0
10 Locina 2508.0
11 Jyujyu 2240.0
12 Tabiita 2226.0
13 Cakemonster 2174.0
14 Dimensius 2078.0
15 Zoorg 2070.0
16 Reasonss 2060.0
17 Figss 2024.0
18 Jeffry 1702.0
19 Sprunt 1700.0
20 Locinadva 1644.0
21 Dirsen 1642.0
22 Auchsie 1530.0
23 Deadvegan 1474.0
24 Facehuggerr 1468.0
25 Siya 1316.0
26 Crows 1302.0
27 Kewoo 1282.0
28 Vartuvka 1214.0
29 Dawmonic 1198.0
30 Phaze 1094.0
31 Douevenshard 1064.0
32 Flyingdeath 1004.0
33 Crillan 984.0
34 Roli 966.0
35 Jaraxxuss 938.0
36 Padlock 932.0
37 Snot 902.0
38 Mudcorrupts 846.0
39 Kainnee 796.0
40 Megalock 740.0
41 Tinytiny 736.0
42 Snotog 726.0
43 Frakt 722.0
44 Katebeknsale 702.0
45 Chakra 700.0
46 Velaide 666.0
47 Kaldir 658.0
48 Tyonidas 646.0
49 Drhorrible 636.0
50 Amfeetaminka 614.0
Character Points
1 Nedstark 3298.0
2 Jebu 3068.0
3 Exception 3030.0
4 Badjoke 2870.0
5 Griselbrand 2852.0
6 Drizztdour 2596.0
7 Easylife 2544.0
8 Capo 2218.0
9 Alamonix 2214.0
10 Atlas 2172.0
11 Cuchulainn 2148.0
12 Irakan 2096.0
13 Wastegate 2016.0
14 Steel 1990.0
15 Pyrones 1902.0
16 Cancel 1874.0
17 Zernot 1718.0
18 Jebuh 1670.0
19 Rogzzi 1606.0
20 Suaimhneas 1462.0
21 Athene 1392.0
22 Baldingbob 1294.0
23 Liandistin 1228.0
24 Exxcute 1212.0
25 Trashiee 1196.0
26 Rizzlord 1186.0
27 Biaffra 1106.0
28 Kamithel 1084.0
29 Topdog 1052.0
30 Rextwo 1046.0
31 Delicieux 1038.0
32 Puma 1008.0
33 Undisclosed 950.0
34 Brickz 900.0
35 Cali 890.0
36 Mcouzo 776.0
37 Epix 754.0
38 Sicklowparry 724.0
39 Jily 716.0
40 Cadex 702.0
41 Mud 688.0
42 Einherjarn 670.0
43 Dawayne 664.0
44 Zernorc 658.0
45 Pumaluv 654.0
46 Xiala 648.0
47 Baun 646.0
48 Tekesh 578.0
49 Shike 560.0
50 Waste 540.0
Character Points
Lessa 3700.0
Felli 3692.0
Clavito 3662.0
Spiru 3510.0
Character Points
1 Felli 3692.0
2 Baltherion 3378.0
3 Vladen 3146.0
4 Kamithila 2894.0
5 Nekonya 2874.0
6 Naturio 2720.0
7 Fantasimo 2640.0
8 Kaakeli 2484.0
9 Kovarnaya 2250.0
10 Vold 2066.0
11 Athairne 1982.0
12 Loppa 1944.0
13 Alethia 1902.0
14 Raykku 1882.0
15 Feorana 1852.0
16 Untamed 1822.0
17 Grandmarshal 1748.0
18 Gotbud 1614.0
19 Melodea 1606.0
20 Crrack 1588.0
21 Alawen 1488.0
22 Namesacny 1474.0
23 Decapitated 1374.0
24 Byde 1358.0
25 Zombica 1308.0
26 Tinuevel 1272.0
27 Lennya 1212.0
28 Corrindyn 1094.0
29 Kinko 1048.0
30 Dasty 986.0
31 Sherok 976.0
32 Chaerin 972.0
33 Gweilo 924.0
34 Sandmia 892.0
35 Justshifting 854.0
36 Parktronic 848.0
37 Gulyasalkesz 828.0
38 Montito 798.0
39 Orixon 792.0
40 Bilx 784.0
41 Harlleyquin 780.0
42 Verdalia 768.0
43 Skjura 718.0
44 Hybrid 710.0
45 Toones 696.0
46 Ql 652.0
47 Trutheals 606.0
48 Toam 594.0
49 Fexe 514.0
50 Flextion 514.0
Character Points
1 Lessa 3700.0
2 Unurau 2950.0
3 Lemoncake 2930.0
4 Mlatek 2930.0
5 Danideus 2924.0
6 Katalinya 2692.0
7 Svetloba 2672.0
8 Josbroek 2612.0
9 Gohk 2496.0
10 Mammka 2306.0
11 Lightstriker 2268.0
12 Thorna 2142.0
13 Sarraya 1910.0
14 Sia 1900.0
15 Durin 1708.0
16 Mistreated 1512.0
17 Viorica 1494.0
18 Smitehammer 1368.0
19 Akvinskitoma 1296.0
20 Renovatio 1206.0
21 Adenae 1182.0
22 Kristalis 1158.0
23 Retripower 1108.0
24 Verras 1072.0
25 Fudley 1026.0
26 Andromedus 1012.0
27 Phadara 944.0
28 Garski 868.0
29 Apostate 856.0
30 Cerosona 850.0
31 Finegold 818.0
32 Brunodeluxe 794.0
33 Torax 762.0
34 Farthas 686.0
35 Protonn 684.0
36 Aysha 678.0
37 Braatwurst 672.0
38 Armadin 658.0
39 Ilhani 658.0
40 Galadan 650.0
41 Aixa 646.0
42 Vran 646.0
43 Wakkawill 640.0
44 Paladyni 632.0
45 Nixxus 598.0
46 Farnese 580.0
47 Sshursafenow 568.0
48 Renojr 554.0
49 Stingyone 544.0
50 Samsoe 542.0
Character Points
1 Clavito 3662.0
2 Auroth 3648.0
3 Bismarck 3178.0
4 Dalilka 3016.0
5 Nythfaliene 2996.0
6 Kemik 2910.0
7 Antiseptic 2390.0
8 Galexia 2364.0
9 Myrass 2312.0
10 Katrana 2304.0
11 Nekyia 2256.0
12 Neshto 2164.0
13 Liluu 2066.0
14 Maiztro 2046.0
15 Aras 2028.0
16 Matada 1926.0
17 Mantuitorul 1800.0
18 Zherul 1794.0
19 Yato 1792.0
20 Ahrei 1698.0
21 Ulimeas 1680.0
22 Muramasa 1586.0
23 Satoko 1314.0
24 Vestalis 1288.0
25 Judia 1032.0
26 Stolen 980.0
27 Galgir 972.0
28 Skatchikomoe 956.0
29 Pjuske 952.0
30 Gacha 812.0
31 Allarra 804.0
32 Macular 796.0
33 Lightmare 752.0
34 Siiona 710.0
35 Steppken 666.0
36 Thamok 644.0
37 Bosit 634.0
38 Imdohr 630.0
39 Pocketheals 626.0
40 Kindhearted 620.0
41 Lorgan 598.0
42 Emmanuelle 590.0
43 Feoward 570.0
44 Bunnyaggro 546.0
45 Ampliheal 526.0
46 Pottan 524.0
47 Pachamama 520.0
48 Jimstil 512.0
49 Opywann 512.0
50 Nadrideada 504.0
Character Points
1 Spiru 3510.0
2 Ihealubro 3402.0
3 Jaraxxusx 3384.0
4 Strep 3342.0
5 Schnetzler 2486.0
6 Nikken 2474.0
7 Okseronk 2208.0
8 Forrie 2198.0
9 Jestin 2144.0
10 Sesshomarou 2136.0
11 Kallipso 2058.0
12 Mongto 2034.0
13 Shamue 1920.0
14 Ehuez 1866.0
15 Indez 1748.0
16 Tooteshniy 1708.0
17 Moodymann 1696.0
18 Meorc 1640.0
19 Irrlicht 1580.0
20 Jbait 1548.0
21 Menippous 1532.0
22 Indesham 1528.0
23 Apocalypt 1492.0
24 Delthargodx 1386.0
25 Lorsham 1354.0
26 Zuchini 1352.0
27 Masana 1340.0
28 Gogoulini 1330.0
29 Phlaemy 1270.0
30 Kantate 1258.0
31 Feeram 1204.0
32 Paxusz 1196.0
33 Darktyrant 1076.0
34 Klanias 1068.0
35 Teanea 1032.0
36 Morokolli 1012.0
37 Tacoshaman 928.0
38 Mult 916.0
39 Lietuvis 876.0
40 Drenty 824.0
41 Sequence 800.0
42 Amplibot 728.0
43 Ashnod 698.0
44 Ramza 676.0
45 Tatankaoyate 670.0
46 Tortuga 666.0
47 Wrenstone 658.0
48 Nishra 638.0
49 Rageingstorm 610.0
50 Terkel 588.0

Performance Points - Explained

Most 40 man raid bosses are ranked

Excluded bosses include: Eye of C'Thun, Viscidus, Twin Emperors, The Bug Family, The Four Horsemen and Gothik

Performance is measured per class

Achieving top of your class for a boss will reward you with 100 points

Each subsequent ranking will reward less points (amount deemed by how many ranking players of your class - limited to 50 players per class)

For example rank 1 is rewarded with 100 points and rank 2 is rewarded with 98 points when 50 players are ranked

This will be tweaked over time

Rankings during tiers will be frozen and stored upon the release of the next tier.

Scores will be calculated for all 40 man raids open during that tier. For example, tier 1 is scored by MC & Onyxia performance, tier 2 is scored by MC, Onyxia & BWL performance etc